What is an EICR certificate?

All rented properties in England are legally required to have an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR). These regulations apply to all cases where a private tenant occupies a property as their main residence and pays rent. An inspection involves trained professionals testing all of your property’s electrical installations to make sure they are safe. This replaces the previous Fixed Wiring regulations.

At Landlord Property Compliance our engineers are specialists in EICR inspections, so we have compiled a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions to guide you through the process.

EICR check - what is inspected?

A qualified electrician will inspect the condition of the ‘fixed’ electrical parts of the property. This includes the wiring, plug sockets, light fittings, the fuse box (consumer unit), and any permanently connected equipment such as showers and extractors. EICR testing involves an initial visual inspection and tests to determine the condition of the electrical circuits within the property. 

The inspection will determine:

  • whether any electrical installations are overloaded
  • if there are any potential electric shocks or fire hazards
  • if there is any defective electrical work

What is not covered in an EICR inspection?

The regulations do not cover electrical appliances only fixed electrical installations. We would recommend landlords carry our portable appliance testing (PAT) on any appliances that they provide as good practice with a record supplied to tenants.

EICR report

Landlords must obtain a report from the person conducting the inspection. This explains the outcomes of the inspection any immediate potential dangers and further remedial works if required.  The report can be quite technical as it conforms to specific electrical safety standards. We’ve highlighted the range of findings and common observations here.

Landlords must supply a copy of this report to their tenant within 28 days of the inspection or to a new tenant before they move in. The report must also be made available to any local authority that requests it. 

If any remedial work is required landlords must provide written confirmation that the work has been carried out to their tenant within 28 days of its completion.

How much does an EICR cost?

The cost of an EICR is dependent on the size of the rental property to be inspected. LPC can provide a bespoke quote on enquiry.

How long does an EICR last?

EICR Certificates are valid for five years, excluding any supplementary works undertaken during this period.

How long does an EICR inspection take?

An EICR survey can take between 1- 4 hours, depending on the size of your property.

Do I need an EICR certificate?

Local authorities can impose a financial penalty of up to £30,000 on landlords who are in breach of their duty to have an EICR inspection or fail to act on any remedial work required as a result of an inspection. 

How do I book an EICR inspection?

One call or email to us is all you need to book an inspection with one of our engineers.  If required our team can liaise with your tenants to gain access to your property at a time that suits them. Certification will be provided within 24 hours of our visit with any remedial work required scheduled within 48 hours of being agreed.

Need a fast turnaround? We're set up to focus on compliance so our service support team has the flexibility to schedule bookings without the distraction of emergency maintenance.

Enjoy hassle free property compliance and get in touch with our team today.